The challenge on lots to do is to use some form of key on your creation ,you can make anything you like .
I jumped from key and houses to a clef key for music to this one.
Eek...... do you see I have torn one of my precious Webster pages.
The music background is done with a scrapblock from Cornish heritagefarms.
The white lace is coloured with maroon Archival ink and sprayed with Glimmer mist .
The challenge on the secretcrafter is hearts so it's a double one or even a triple one as the challenge on created by hand is also hearts so I'm feeling better about ripping up my precious paper
I like that you used music for this theme. It suits it beautifully. What a beautiful combination of elements.
Freubelaarster (hi hi) jij schut ze ook zo maar uit je mouw, wat heb je weer prachtige dingen gemaakt.
lieve groet Lilian
Jeetje wat ben je weer druk geweest met van alles , mooie creatie`s !
Scheuren in Webster papier ....
ai deed zeer he !
Maar wel mooi geworden !
I love the colours used in this card Ellen, it's very pretty :)
wonderful card!!
lovely xxxx
amai jij maakt mooie dingen
nog een fijne dag
Wonderful, a lovely piece of art, Jaqi
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