Saturday, 2 May 2009


Saturday workout has the challenge to make a collage.

My trouble is that i don't know when to stop and stop altering what I've done.
I have not got a clue how to get the piccie sharper and don't have the patience to wait till daylight but you'll get the drift. The canvas was painted with Gesso which I mixed with acrylic paint. Once dry I smeared a dabber over it then wiped that with a babywipe.A torn page from a telephonebook again with gesso , some jute , a brand new leaf diecut and some more bits and pieces from my stash oh and the crochet doily is from a jumblesale shame they only had 10.
the girls are from Lisasalteredart ,the bingocard from Tentwostudio
Een canvas als collage voor saturdaysworkout. Ik heb het eerst met gesso ingesmeerd wat ik vermengd had met acryl kleurtje daarna met een dabber met donkerder bruin eroverheen en geijk weer afgeveegd met een billendoekje. Een gescheurde bladzij uit een telefoonboek.. weer met gesso ingesmeerd , wat jute een gloednieuw stansje van blaadjes en nog wat dingetjes . de meiden zijn van Lisasalteredart en de bingo van Tentwostudios
het gehaakte ding komt van een jumblesale jammer dat er maar 10 waren.


~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

Love the warm glow and textures in your lovely collage Ellen

Willy said...

Schitterende collage, Ellen. Past ook perfect in de 'Wednesday Stamper'?

Anonymous said...

What beautiful colors, Ellen! I think you have just the right amount of elements on your lovely collage.

Louise (KardKrazy) said...

Wow, what a fabulous collage. Don't think it's overdone at all!

Char said...

Wonderful collage. So much to see.

Sandy said...

Wow this is brilliant. Fantastic collage. Really lovely.

Thanks Ellen for your collage to SaWo.

Anne said...

Ellen I love that, it's brilliant!!
Anne x

Ang C said...

This is a stuning collage - every time I look at it I see something else


friemelchen said...

WOW, wonderful collage!

sam21ski said...

Stunning - just love all the different elements you've used on this one xxxx

Anonymous said...


Claireabelle said...

This is fabulous, it just makes me wanna touch it there is so much texture!

stamp and scrape said...

I think the previous comment about touching the work is spot on - marvellous!

Calv said...

I love this LO Ellen!

Anonymous said...

Wat een prachtige collage!