Just when I was thinking I'll start to slow down doing so many challenges I'm suddenly involved in another one. Cora ( Clearly Vintage) DigitalTuesday posted such nice images that I simply had to use them.
Well that was the idea but whatever I did I couldn't get them to combine in a way I liked. So here is just the one.
The kit I used is called Bohemian Royale from Laura Boetto at Digitalcraftcottage.
Ik ben verslaafd aan challenges, had ik me net voorgenomen om er minder aan mee te doen en vind ik mezelf opeens weer deelnemen aan een nieuwe van Digital Tuesday omdat de plaatjes zo leuk waren.
Kit is van laura Boetto van digitalcraftcottage.
Wow, this is beautiful. I love all the accents and the colors. Thank for participating. Be sure to post a link on Digital To For Tuesday so everyone can see.
WOW Ellen this is lovely, no wonder you couldn't resist xxx
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