Friday, 9 July 2010

Life is rosey

A gorgeous background from Artcreationsfriday was the start of this piece.

I have used

a ribbon and netting from Peanut Butter Jelly- Laura Boetto
lacy bit , heart and flourish from Beautiful Morning- DigiDonna
words from Lisasalteredart

and this is what it became


Lilly said...

Whah , love it!Very beautiful.

Faye said...

Gorgeous puzzle piece, Ellen. I love the creativity you have shown in producing this beautiful work.

Cindy Adkins said...

Wow, this is fantastic Ellen!!! What a beautiful creation!

I wanted to tell you that today thru Sunday I have a link party on my other blog. It's at:

You're welcome to join us and show us your inspirational need to make anything.


indybev said...

Unique and creative to use the puzzle piece. Beautifully done!

Yvonne said...

Novel creation, Ellen!

Miss Iowa said...

Gorgeous! I love the puzzle shape idea.

Hermine said...

Absolutely gorgeous

Jester said...

This is lovely, Ellen, and such a creative idea. The quote is so apt!

Ozstuff said...

Wow! I love the jigsaw puzzle piece effect, Ellen. It looks fantastic.
Beautiful and creative artwork. Take a bow!

Zoechaos said...

Beautiful piece xx Zoe

Sandy said...

Wow very creative Ellen.
Fantastic piece.

vintage wil said...

Wow wat een schitterend puzelstuk!!!

Femmy said...

wat een prachtig puzzelstuk Ellen!!

Yvonne said...

Geweldig idee om er een puzzelstuk van te maken! Prachtig.

Scrappiness said...

prachtig zeg! De achtergrond ook trouwens :) said...

Prachtig puzzselstuk en wat 'n geweldig idee.

Electra said...

This is spectacular!!