Friday, 1 October 2010


it's a picture by Mucha this time for the Artcreationsfriday Challenge

I've been playing with filters and blending and brushes


Hermine said...

Schitterend, wat een prachtige achtergrond

sam21ski said...

Great piece Ellen, love the colours and the appearance of texture!!!

pepeetje said...

Fantastic ... love the background :-)

Jester said...

I love the background you have created for her, Ellen, and the contrast of the colour with the shades of grey.

Yvonne said...

Wat een prachtige achtergrond! Schitterend.

Catherine said...

I love this Ellen, it's a very beautiful layout!

Anonymous said...

Joli montage bravo !!
Le paysage ou tu résides est absolument superbe !!

Gayle Page-Robak said...

The conversion to black and white truly alters this challenge image and it looks excellent with the background you have selected. Beautiful.

vintage wil said...

Schitterend wat een prachtige achtergrond!!

Sally said...

Beautiful! Love the background textures with the image.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful! I love the texture.

Electra said...

You've really done some stunning work here-Lovely!

Lynne Moncrieff said...

Such a stunning piece of art. Lynne M